Luke 18:15-17 And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Meeting on Saturday 2nd April 2011
On Saturday 2nd April we are planning a wonderful meeting with the children who are on their two weeks mid term holiday. On schedule, there will be games Bible quizzes and a lesson on about heaven.Every one is invited and we will also give a detail accounts of the meeting.Please do pray with us as we count on the Lord to lead us through.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
winningchildrenforchrist: The Importance of Bible Study for Your Children-pa...
winningchildrenforchrist: The Importance of Bible Study for Your Children-pa...: "Teaching kids the Bible is the beginning to building a Christian foundation within that child. Particip..."
The Importance of Bible Study for Your Children-part 1
Teaching kids the Bible is the beginning to building a Christian foundation within that child. Participating in children Bible lessons will not only allow the youngsters to learn about God, but will instill Christian values within them. Children should learn about the Bible and the things and ways of God, early in life, in order to allow interest in church and the Bible while still young. It is much easier to bring one to know God through salvation and redemption when young, than it is to allow a person to grow up in a world that does not honor God. As direct witnesses to immoral behavior, some become more susceptible to actually committing those wrong behaviors. Instructing about sin at an early age can provide a background that will help each child choose the right paths in life, as opposed to the wrong choices which could lead to dangerous situations. Bible lessons can be easy and fun for the children, parents, preachers, and teachers that are involved in the education process.
Instruction should begin when the child is a baby. "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6) While instruction is sometimes difficult to allow for in depth or detailed stories or events, the perfect time to begin building a Christian foundation is when the they are young. Taking the child to church is one of the best ways to put the child on the path to salvation and living for God. It is a great way to witness to the child through worship and learning together. Being an example to the child will provide the best education that they can receive. Praying for each as a baby and teaching them to pray when they are older can be a great way to help them to develop into a prayer warrior for God. Teaching children Bible lessons can begin when the child is a toddler. Teaching them about certain stories, including Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, and the birth of Jesus, will begin the instruction of a Christian life that can benefit the child or children for the rest of their lives. Teaching kids the Bible should continue throughout the lifetime of the child.
Bible lessons will prepare the child for salvation and a moral lifestyle. Being open and honest with children about sin and redemption should be done from the start. Children have a strong sense of right and wrong, even as babies. Allowing the child to grow up in an atmosphere of love for God and knowledge of His power will be a great way to assist in beginning a walk with God. Often, parents become busy with work or chores at home and want to take a break from certain obligations. Church often becomes one of those obligations that are given up in order to rest or do other activities that seem to be more important. Missing church occasionally is acceptable, but giving up attending on a regular basis because it does not fit into a busy schedule should not be the example to present to a child. Teaching kids the Bible through home and church is a crucial part of the child's ability to know and understand the love and ways of God. Not only is learning the ways of God important, but experiencing God through worship and praise should be a lesson for the child. If a youngster feels that skipping a worship service is acceptable behavior, they may continue to skip throughout life. Falling away from God is easy to do, but coming back can be hard and requires sacrifice. The importance of laying a foundation for the child cannot be taken lightly. Teaching children Bible lessons and life lessons is a vital part of leading them to seek salvation and redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ.
It is the responsibility of the parents and church leaders to educate their children. As a parent, it is important to understand that the foundation of Christianity can be started early in the life of the child. When children are toddlers, teaching children bible lessons can begin with stories like that of Adam and Eve, Noah, Jesus, and other people and events of the Bible. These stories help to build a strong moral foundation for the child. Teaching kids the Bible will allow them the understand more about the ways of God and the world. By constantly being a witness and example of the ways to worship and love God, a parent can bring their children up to continue to love and honor God. There is no better point in time in a child's life than the moment of salvation. They can understand God and will be able to seek salvation for sins.
Instruction should begin when the child is a baby. "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6) While instruction is sometimes difficult to allow for in depth or detailed stories or events, the perfect time to begin building a Christian foundation is when the they are young. Taking the child to church is one of the best ways to put the child on the path to salvation and living for God. It is a great way to witness to the child through worship and learning together. Being an example to the child will provide the best education that they can receive. Praying for each as a baby and teaching them to pray when they are older can be a great way to help them to develop into a prayer warrior for God. Teaching children Bible lessons can begin when the child is a toddler. Teaching them about certain stories, including Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, and the birth of Jesus, will begin the instruction of a Christian life that can benefit the child or children for the rest of their lives. Teaching kids the Bible should continue throughout the lifetime of the child.
Bible lessons will prepare the child for salvation and a moral lifestyle. Being open and honest with children about sin and redemption should be done from the start. Children have a strong sense of right and wrong, even as babies. Allowing the child to grow up in an atmosphere of love for God and knowledge of His power will be a great way to assist in beginning a walk with God. Often, parents become busy with work or chores at home and want to take a break from certain obligations. Church often becomes one of those obligations that are given up in order to rest or do other activities that seem to be more important. Missing church occasionally is acceptable, but giving up attending on a regular basis because it does not fit into a busy schedule should not be the example to present to a child. Teaching kids the Bible through home and church is a crucial part of the child's ability to know and understand the love and ways of God. Not only is learning the ways of God important, but experiencing God through worship and praise should be a lesson for the child. If a youngster feels that skipping a worship service is acceptable behavior, they may continue to skip throughout life. Falling away from God is easy to do, but coming back can be hard and requires sacrifice. The importance of laying a foundation for the child cannot be taken lightly. Teaching children Bible lessons and life lessons is a vital part of leading them to seek salvation and redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ.
It is the responsibility of the parents and church leaders to educate their children. As a parent, it is important to understand that the foundation of Christianity can be started early in the life of the child. When children are toddlers, teaching children bible lessons can begin with stories like that of Adam and Eve, Noah, Jesus, and other people and events of the Bible. These stories help to build a strong moral foundation for the child. Teaching kids the Bible will allow them the understand more about the ways of God and the world. By constantly being a witness and example of the ways to worship and love God, a parent can bring their children up to continue to love and honor God. There is no better point in time in a child's life than the moment of salvation. They can understand God and will be able to seek salvation for sins.
This what we believe and try to put in action(we are still laying the foundation) in our ministry- AWANA-Club Cameroun.
Please, come, let us work together, be a partaker of the vision and let us win children for Christ.
Be bless !
Annoncer l'évangile aux ENFANTS
1. Dieu l’ordonne à Israël
Deut 4 : 9-10 «Enseigne-le à tes enfants et aux enfants de tes enfants »
Deut 11 : 18-21 « Vous leur en parlerez dans ta maison… en voyage… quand tu te coucheras,
quand tu te lèveras. Tu les écriras… »
Deut 32 : 46-47 « les paroles que je vous conjure aujourd’hui de recommander à vos
enfants »
2. Les parents doivent enseigner
Deut 6 : 6-9 « ces commandements seront dans ton cœur. Tu les inculqueras à tes enfants… »
Dans le mot hébreu inculquer il y a une idée très forte, mordre pour en laisser des traces…
donc un enseignement insistant, profond.
3. Les conséquences chez des enfants non enseignés
Ps 78 : 1 à 8 « une race indocile et rebelle… »
Juges 2 : 7 à 12 « ils firent ce qui déplaît à l’Eternel et ils servirent les Baals » Des enfants
non évangélisés deviendront indociles, rebelles, idolâtres et de grands pécheurs devant
4. Eveiller les enfants pour qu’ils posent des questions
Deut 31 : 12-13 Les grands rassemblements d’adultes devaient aussi réunir tous les enfants,
même si ceux-ci ne comprennent pas tout le langage pour adulte.
Josué 8 : 35 Josué a lu toute la loi devant les enfants
2 Chr 20 : 13-15 Devant un grand danger, les enfants sont là et participent à une belle
manifestation de la puissance du Saint Esprit qui a du les marquer.
Esdras 10 : 1 Les enfants participent à une grande repentance.
1. Jésus invite personnellement les enfants à venir à Lui Marc 10 : 14 & Luc 18 : 16
2. Les enfants peuvent croire dans le salut
- Jésus donne une leçon à ses disciples avec un petit enfant Matthieu 18 : 2 à 5
- Jésus demande de ne pas scandaliser « un de ces petits qui croient en moi » Matthieu
18 : 6 On peut traduire scandaliser par « faire pécher ». Le verbe croire en grec est le
même que l’on retrouve dans Jean 3 : 16, il s’agit de la foi pour le salut et la vie
éternelle. Le terme grec « petit » concerne les enfants que l’on prend encore dans les
3. L’humilité et la simplicité qui conduit au salut se trouve dans le cœur de l’enfant
Matthieu 18 : 3 L’enfant par nature est enseignable, humble, confiant, simple. Ces qualités,
hélas, disparaissent progressivement avec l’âge.
4. Jésus les estime d’une grande valeur Matthieu 18 : 5, 10 Recevoir, s’occuper d’un
enfant, c’est s’occuper de Jésus lui-même et même les anges dans le ciel ont un intérêt pour
les enfants.
5. Les petits enfants sont perdus nous enseigne Jésus Matthieu 18 : 12-13 Un enfant
comme une brebis, ne peut revenir seul, il faut aller le chercher pour l’amener au bon berger,
Jésus qui seul peut le sauver.
6. La volonté de Dieu c’est que les enfants ne périssent pas Matthieu 18 : 14
1. Paul aux Ephésiens s’adresse « aux saints et aux fidèles en Jésus-Christ » Ephésiens
1 : 1 et dans le cours de son épître, parmi ces fidèles, il parle directement aux enfants
Ephésiens 6 : 1 à 4 donc les enfants sont « des saints et des fidèles »
2. Paul aux Colossiens de même tient le même langage dans Col 1 : 1 et ensuite dans
Col 3 : 20 Paul parle directement aux enfants.
3. Les parents chrétiens sont exhortés à élever leurs enfants dans les voies du
Seigneur Ephésiens 6 : 1 à 4
4. L’enfant a besoin de faire l’expérience de la nouvelle naissance car « l’enfant
naturel ne reçoit pas les choses de l’Esprit de Dieu » 1 Cor 2 : 14 Donc avant
d’enseigner la soumission à la Parole de Dieu, il faut que la nature de l’enfant soit
changée par la présence de Jésus dans son cœur.
Nous croyons fermement que Dieu nous(AWANA-Cam) a mis à part afin que nous soyons ses instruments pour l’accomplissement de ce merveilleux dessein .
Monday, March 21, 2011
winningchildrenforchrist: Our Last meeting report
winningchildrenforchrist: Our Last meeting report: "On Saturday the 19th of March 2011 we had a wonderful meeting with the children. We thank God that more than 40 children were present and pa..."
Our Last meeting report
On Saturday the 19th of March 2011 we had a wonderful meeting with the children. We thank God that more than 40 children were present and participated actively in all the activities we had planned for them. We had games and did some revisions from the things we did in our last meeting and the home work we gave them to do. Colette taught the children two new songs and we are happy they are learning quickly. On our last meeting, some children gave their lives to Jesus after listening to the gospel, by pastor Eduard, therefore we shared tracks and New Testament Bibles to those who can read, During our question answer sessions, we encourage the kids with little motivator gifts and told them to keep studying the Bible and also their work from school.
Next week in Cameroon, it will be a short school break combined with Easter. We are planning on having more intense activities with the children, and if possible try to teach new games, act a drama about the birth and death and resurrection of Jesus, we are also going to carry out some coloring and printing of pictures you know decoration. All this to get the children to know the joy there is to be with Jesus Christ, sharing with other but most essentially to plant the word of God and the knowledge of Jesus in their hearts. I can bet you the children are learning seriously and do retain the things we are teaching them.
Thanks for reading our post today and keep reading as we try to keep you up to date.God bless you.
Next week in Cameroon, it will be a short school break combined with Easter. We are planning on having more intense activities with the children, and if possible try to teach new games, act a drama about the birth and death and resurrection of Jesus, we are also going to carry out some coloring and printing of pictures you know decoration. All this to get the children to know the joy there is to be with Jesus Christ, sharing with other but most essentially to plant the word of God and the knowledge of Jesus in their hearts. I can bet you the children are learning seriously and do retain the things we are teaching them.
Thanks for reading our post today and keep reading as we try to keep you up to date.God bless you.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
The book of Genesis 39-40 talks of the story of Joseph from when he was hated of his brothers, thrown into a pit,sold to Potiphar in Egypt as a slave, put into prison unjustly and later forgotten by the kings butler is one, many will call or term, a curse story and Joseph a curse person. Listen if Joseph was alive today and went through all these, and he was to see the many so call ministers of God, they would see all kinds of evil against him and lead him into all kinds of deliverance services if not "sowing seed" practices. Yes he would be blamed for all his misfortune. The question that will come up in most lips will probably be ,"WHERE IS GOD?"
We usually see evil in everything, and every hardship, and it is either we blame the devil or some other persons for all the misfortunes we may encounter in our existence.Yet we never never want or have time to find out what is happening, and what is the will of God in all things. Our mind are only focused on justifying ourselves and never looking into things to see what may be the will of God. Certainly i am not saying we should fold our hands and allow every evil that befalls us, but that in trouble ,pain and hurt, what is the Lord trying to do through it, never forgetting Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Yes i believe that in trouble, hurt disappointments etc, instead of us manifesting our choleric behaviors and blaming all the people around us, may we like the Lord Jesus Christ, seek the will of God, know it, live it, and obey it for we are certain that Romans 8:28 is true. I therefore plead with you to always seek the Lord in all things and to know what His purposes are.
To Him who has given us life through the sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ on the cross, be glory, honor praise, power, majesty and might forever and ever.
The book of Genesis 39-40 talks of the story of Joseph from when he was hated of his brothers, thrown into a pit,sold to Potiphar in Egypt as a slave, put into prison unjustly and later forgotten by the kings butler is one, many will call or term, a curse story and Joseph a curse person. Listen if Joseph was alive today and went through all these, and he was to see the many so call ministers of God, they would see all kinds of evil against him and lead him into all kinds of deliverance services if not "sowing seed" practices. Yes he would be blamed for all his misfortune. The question that will come up in most lips will probably be ,"WHERE IS GOD?"
We usually see evil in everything, and every hardship, and it is either we blame the devil or some other persons for all the misfortunes we may encounter in our existence.Yet we never never want or have time to find out what is happening, and what is the will of God in all things. Our mind are only focused on justifying ourselves and never looking into things to see what may be the will of God. Certainly i am not saying we should fold our hands and allow every evil that befalls us, but that in trouble ,pain and hurt, what is the Lord trying to do through it, never forgetting Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Yes i believe that in trouble, hurt disappointments etc, instead of us manifesting our choleric behaviors and blaming all the people around us, may we like the Lord Jesus Christ, seek the will of God, know it, live it, and obey it for we are certain that Romans 8:28 is true. I therefore plead with you to always seek the Lord in all things and to know what His purposes are.
To Him who has given us life through the sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ on the cross, be glory, honor praise, power, majesty and might forever and ever.
Friday, March 18, 2011
winningchildrenforchrist: Ministry To Children
winningchildrenforchrist: Ministry To Children: "Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. &nbs..."
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Ministry To Children
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Children are the future of the Church and Nation, consequently building and training a child is preparing a better tomorrow. Many churches and Ministries have neglected the ministry to children, concentrating their efforts, time and money for adults. We believe the hearts of children are tender and mailable and can therefore be molded to suit exactly what we wish and our aim is to plant a seed about the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in them from which they will not depart. Therefore we are offering them the gift of eternal life which Jesus alone will give, so that as proverbs 22:6 says, they will not depart from it. We also intent to teach the children morals using the Bible as our source and depending totally on the Holy Spirit to lead teach and guide us in all we do. We think of children as important in every aspect, that is education, morals and all the care they will need to grow up as responsible men and women. yes we believe in feeding the body and mind of children, even as parents and governments do. Yes we must admit society has given enormous rights to children but yet they have forgotten the most important, securing their eternal destination which is found alone in Jesus Christ. We do not boast of knowing all but are willing to take suggestions and all the help you can give us so that we can minister to the children as the needs also arise .
God bless you
Children are the future of the Church and Nation, consequently building and training a child is preparing a better tomorrow. Many churches and Ministries have neglected the ministry to children, concentrating their efforts, time and money for adults. We believe the hearts of children are tender and mailable and can therefore be molded to suit exactly what we wish and our aim is to plant a seed about the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in them from which they will not depart. Therefore we are offering them the gift of eternal life which Jesus alone will give, so that as proverbs 22:6 says, they will not depart from it. We also intent to teach the children morals using the Bible as our source and depending totally on the Holy Spirit to lead teach and guide us in all we do. We think of children as important in every aspect, that is education, morals and all the care they will need to grow up as responsible men and women. yes we believe in feeding the body and mind of children, even as parents and governments do. Yes we must admit society has given enormous rights to children but yet they have forgotten the most important, securing their eternal destination which is found alone in Jesus Christ. We do not boast of knowing all but are willing to take suggestions and all the help you can give us so that we can minister to the children as the needs also arise .
God bless you
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