The beginning of the child’s prayer life is
essentially an activity. A mother might ask the
question: “When shall I begin to teach my little
child to pray?” This question should be met by
another: “When do you intend to start teaching
your little child a language?” If father and moth
er kneel down by the child’s bed long before
he can notice consciously what is happening,
the child grows up in the midst of this event:
“Mom and dad speaking to someone whom they
respect and love and cannot see.” Let your child
see you praying. Children learn by example.
Our children and grandchildren need to
understand that we, as Christian parents, talk to
God in prayer on a regular basis. Asking a bless-
ing at mealtime, prayer of anointing for illness
and prayers given at Church services provide
important examples about our relationship with
God. These illustrations become a way of life.