We had our Children's outreach program with the Children in Damas in the Bread For Life Guest House. Forty children were present and as usual we had games , singing and Bible memorization. We will be doing the AWANA curriculum on our next outreach. In the different regions in Cameroon where we've started the children's outreach, the programs went on normally and by God's grace we will give updates too monthly on these regions. But for information, we have 5 areas where we carry out programs, Yaounde Damas, Yaounde Etoug-Ebe, Ebah East, Sumbe South West, Bamenda. we have 6 invitations to come start the outreaches in 6 different Areas and we pray that God will provide us with the means, materials and personnel to respond to these invitations. We have also added to our programs a weekly door to door evangelism, to meet Adults and parents with the gospel. We pray for God's favor and mercy as we go out. You know its not easy to knock a door and inform the inhabitants of the house that you want to tell them the good news. But with God we know all things are possible. Added to this, there is the urgency to announce the gospel while there is still time, for doors are still open . Let us pray that God will keep open doors and give us partners who, not only are willing to help but also go out with us on this work. God bless you all as we look forward on given more updates and progress on our Work
Onward Christian Soldiers,
Marching as to war
With the cross of Jesus Going on Before
The field is ripe the field is ripe
Harvest is now harvest is now
Come all yea servants of the Lord
Pray to the Lord to send out laborers
Come to the Lord
Pray to Him
Evangelist rise up and go
Give up all you do and serve the Lord
Heaven is near Heaven is near
God speaks to us as such
My children you know what time
What times we live in
So live properly
So live properly
For night is almost over
And day will soon appear
You must not behave as men
Who live in dark and in sins
God speaks to us as such
My children you know what time
What times we live in
So live properly
So live properly
For night is almost over
And day will soon appear
You must not behave as men
Who live in dark and in sins