God's Plan for Children & Parents
Ephesians 6:1-4
- A. The word "obey" is from the same root word used in Ephesians 5:22 which says wives are to be submissive to their husbands. The verse is saying to children to be submissive to their parents as unto the Lord . It means children are to listen and be attentive to their parents.
- 1. Obedience to God is the foundation of living a productive and happy life on this earth. When we obey God we are in tune to the natural laws that God has set in order. We can understand God's physical laws that hold the universe together. We should understand that as importantly God's laws also involve proper behavior. 2. As children learn to obey their parents they are preparing for their future lives. If children do not learn obedience they will not be able to learn in school. The rebellious child that is at odds with their parents will not have respect for others. They will not respect authority and therefore be hindered from learning their lessons and from having a good relationship with their teachers. 3. Children are to "honor" their parents. (Verse 2) Honor is a word that denotes putting a value on something. A child should honor their parents because they gave them birth, love, care for and take care of their physical needs. More importantly to honor someone is to recognize their worth and therefore show respect for them.
- 1. God's desire is that all people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. People are saved by faith when they put their trust in God's promises of forgiveness of sins and being given eternal life. 2. Rebels do not believe in God and refuse to be submissive to Him. The unsaved are in rebellion. They reject God as their Creator and refuse to accept they have any responsibility to their Creator. The rebel will not submit to anyone. He is an authority unto himself or herself. They are out of sync with God's order. The atheist is a rebel refusing to believe what he deep down knows is true. This is why organizations such as the ACLU and others are fighting so hard to remove any mention of God from our society. They do not want to be reminded that God is there and they will one day answer to Him. 3. This is why it is so important for parents to teach their children obedience. A child that is not taught obedience will become a rebel and that will effect every aspect of their life in a negative way.
- 1. Our lost and godless world denies God and rejects absolutes. Being right is an absolute. The word "absolute" means "something that does not depends on anything else and is beyond human control; "no mortal being can influence the absolute" It further means something that is "final, with no possibility for change." 2. God's truth is absolute. It cannot be changed because it is how God set things in order and how they are to operate. 3. Thus God establishes in this statement the importance of children obeying their parents. In other words...children are to obey the Lord because it is right. It is how God made things to work properly.
- 1. This is a quote of the 5th Commandment. "Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee." (Deuteronomy 5:16) 2. Often the emphases of parents is to give their child a good education, college if possible, so they may make money and live a happy life. Folks, that idea does not come from God. 3. The parents responsibility is to teach the child obedience and discipline in their lives beginning as babies. Success in life will be assured if a child is taught discipline and respect for authority. To be successful we must work as a team with others. No matter what we endeavor to do it involves others. In a team there is a leader and others with different responsibilities. A rebel who will does not have respect for authority is like a square peg in a round hole. Teams to be productive must have cooperation of its members....and that means obedience to authority. 4. Rebels die young. Rebellion causes dissension and stress. The rebel is never at peace and always involved in bitterness and strife with others. That takes a toll on our bodies. It also put the rebel in danger.
- 5. God's promise is that children who honor and obey their parents will live a long life. They will respect others, and that respect will cause them to have a good life which is having a good relationship with others.
- A. Clearly first God is addressing the father. The responsibility to teach the child rests with the father. Is the mother involved? Certainly, but it is the father who should set discipline in order and is ultimately responsible for teaching the child.
- 1. Sadly I believe most fathers abrogate their responsibility and the task is placed on the mother. God's plan is the father is the authority in the family. He is the head of the household and has the overall leadership role. When a child disobeys their mother, it is the father who should correct that behavior. The father is to be the supreme court in all matters within the home. 2. Mothers are to discipline their children, but there are times when discipline is more effective when the father takes charge of it.
- 1. The first command of God is that father not provoke their children to wrath. God addresses the correct way to discipline. 2. Discipline must be done in love. If the child does not understand the reason for discipline it will not be very effective. In fact it may produce an opposite effect. Disciplining a child in anger tells the child you do not love them, but are punishing them in vengeance. That is what this statement means. The words "provoke" and "wrath" in this verse are the same Greek word..."par org di zo." Literally the verse is saying, "Ye fathers, anger not your children to anger." Children will make a parent angry, but a mature father or mother will curb his temper and anger....and keep it in check. If you are angry the best thing to do is curb it and tell the child to go to their room and think about what they have done. You then need to pray and ask God to help you control your feelings so you might be the godly father you child needs. You can later go and discipline the child if that is what is needed. You should go and talk with them asking them to they understand why what the did was wrong. Parents should explain to the child why discipline is necessary and what their offense was. The danger or problems of the child's actions should be explained and they should the harm their behavior would cause. We often joke about the parent telling the child that "This will hurt me, more than you." But that should be the truth. If you hollow and scream at you child....you will accomplish nothing. There are times when a stern warning is necessary and it should be made with force in the parents voice, but not anger. But most times a parent best shows love and care when they speak with authority, but not with the tone of malice in their voice. 3. If you warn your child that they are not to do something; if you forbid them and they disobey...you must follow up on your warning. Example: "If you hit your brother, you will get a spanking." If you promise punishment for disobedience and do not follow through with it....the child will have no respect for you. Your words and authority mean nothing because they know you are only threatening, but will not make good on your threat. You are actually training them to disobey you because you are teaching them that you will not keep your word and they can get away with wrong behavior. They will do what you do and they too will commit the same error.
- 1. Note what God says to parents: "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him." (Proverbs 22:15) "Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die." (Proverbs 23:13) "The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame." (Proverbs 29:15) "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes." (Proverbs 13:24) 2. Children need to be taught discipline and respect. Left alone...their human nature, which is the nature to do wrong...will rule them. If their carnal nature rules, they will not respond to reasoning and logic. Therefore a spanking gives them the motivation to act properly. It actually forms their conscience. A child that is not taught discipline will have a dysfunctional conscience. A child will made a decision based on what is best for himself....because he is selfish. Punishment for wrong doing becomes the incentive for proper behavior. In time as they grow older and learn respect and obedience their training will take them though life.
- The Lord does so to turn us from sin that will destroy and bring us heartache. The parent who truly loves their child will follow God's instructions. They will discipline their children teaching them what is right and wrong. This will turn from their natural way of their carnal nature and help them live a godly and full life succeeding in carrying out God's will for their lives. Dads and Moms....God has a plan for your child....you need to prepare that child to accomplish God's will in their lives. 1. Verse 4 say to "bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Here God inspired Paul to address the responsibility of every father. It is also a common sin of father who do not teach and discipline them. 2. The word "nurture" means to "tutor, educate, train and give them proper instruction in what is right and wrong." By implication it means to use punishment. 3. The word "admonition" means to warn children when they do wrong and warn them. 4. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)
- - The young child who insists on running from his parent in a busy mall or parking lot. - The toddler who refuses to sit in his car seat. - The young patient who refuses to hold still as a vaccination is administered, or as a laceration is cleaned and disinfected.
- I would be amiss if I did not conclude by explaining that moms and dads are to set a proper example before their children. What the parent does will be mimicked by the child. Lazy parents will produce lazy children and lazy adults. If a mother who keeps a dirty home....so will her daughters and sons. If a father is does not take his responsibilities neither will his sons and daughters. Parents who smoke, drink, curse, fuss and fight, and live worldly life styles will teach their children to do the same thing. Children of parents who do these things will have not any respect for their parents. You cannot force your child to do right...but you can teach them by instruction and by living a godly life before them. You cannot force them to love and revere God...but you can show them how much you love God by your faithfulness to Him. If worldly things and pursuits are the most important thing in your life...then they will also be the most important think in your child's life. If you love and are faithful to the Lord...they will learn from you how important that is. My final statement is this: "Do you really love your child." If the answer is yes...and I am sure it is....then how does your love effect your relationship with them. Do you love them enough to take the time and effort to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Do you love them enough to that it will effect how you live before them? A person who truly loves God....will truly love their children. If a parent will not take their God given responsibilities they are deceiving themselves. Their actions show they really do not in truth love their child. This message is God's word on the matter....he does not want parents to be deceived by the worlds vain and faulty teachings. God wants parents to be taught God's word so they can obey God and teach their children to obedience and respect also.
- children are to win for Christ
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