Saturday, July 30, 2011


The beginning of the child’s prayer life is
essentially an activity. A mother might ask the
question: “When shall I begin to teach my little
child to pray?” This question should be met by
another: “When do you intend to start teaching
your little child a language?” If father and moth
er kneel down by the child’s bed long before
he can notice consciously what is happening,
the child grows up in the midst of this event:
“Mom and dad speaking to someone whom they
respect and love and cannot see.” Let your child
see you praying. Children learn by example.
Our children and grandchildren need to
understand that we, as Christian parents, talk to
God in prayer on a regular basis. Asking a bless-
ing at mealtime, prayer of anointing for illness
and prayers given at Church services provide
important examples about our relationship with
God. These illustrations become a way of life.

How to Teach Young Children the Bible

How to Teach Young Children the Bible
    Young children learn by repetition and in small pieces (see Isaiah 28:9-10).  Repeat one simple Bible truth in every activity during a lesson.  Many short activities are better than a few long activities.  Vary type of activities, such as stories then crafts.  Also, vary location of activities, such as at a table, on the floor, and in chairs.
    The gateway to a young child's heart is through the five senses.  The goal is to introduce the Bible through their outward person to their heart.  They need to hear the Bible taught because, ". . . faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17 NKJV).  Visual images will command a child's attention.  Touch conveys love and comfort.  Something that tastes good will satisfy their hunger and thirst.  Use of a pleasant scent is an unusual and effective way to demonstrate a verbal message.
    The most wonderful part about teaching the Bible to young children is that we have a great and mighty Helper, the Holy Spirit.  He will bear witness to the Bible truths you teach.  He will gently speak to the hearts of your children.
    Teaching preschoolers is challenging and it is FUN!  Children learn in so many different ways.  Realize that each child is different, and don't expect them to all sit down for an hour without moving.  It won't happen.  Love is the number one important ingredient in teaching them.  They will know that you love them.
    When telling a story be enthusiastic - no monotones with children.  Use your imagination and live the story with them as you tell it.  DO NOT READ IT DIRECTLY FROM A PAPER.  BORING!  As you tell a story, look at your children.  You will see if you have caught their attention.  They want to know that you care.
    Crafts are a wonderful way to teach children.  It gives them an opportunity to do something with what you have just taught them.  Whether it is stringing beads for a necklace, or coloring a picture, what they do will reinforce what you have said.
winning children for Christ- Cameroon
pastor Edouard 

Friday, July 22, 2011

winningchildrenforchrist: Children meeting 18th July 2011

winningchildrenforchrist: Children meeting 18th July 2011: "Its holidays in Cameroon and we decided to have a meeting with the kids. Wow i mean children are very punctual and do not forget any promis..."

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Open doors to evangelise children

We recently had two people who invited us to come and start the children’s ministries in their villages and carry out the same programs we are carrying out in Yaoundé. We are very blessed by this for God is opening doors for children to come to know the Lord. To this effect we contacted a brother to help us in this while we are planning to get to these places by the end of the year. We managed to get some funding and sent him with clothes, footballs, got some drinks and Bibles, Christian literatures and tracks (brochures) we are praying that the Lord through this will get the gospel to the children whom we believe have been neglected for adults in the churches. Your prayers are welcomed and God bless you as you participate with us in this great work of taking the gospel to children and the whole wide world.

meeting on the 25 june 2011with the children

          On Saturday the 25th of June, we had our gathering with the children; well I will call it a reunion after a two Months break to let them prepare for their third term end of year exams. There were 25 children present, ages ranging from 2 to 17 years old. We started by welcoming every child back and asked of the others who were not present maybe due to other activities. Then we prayed committing the meeting into the hands of the Lord. We latter asked the children about their results in school and asked every child to present themselves (for we had new faces with us). Later we presented a Bible cartoon entitled Moses of Egypt and explained the story to the children. At the end the children were free to ask questions which we gladly answered and then it was time for games.
        At the end of the meeting we shared Bibles, tracks and shared popcorn and drinks with the kids. Then we programmed another meeting on the 9th of July. To end the meeting Colette gave us a closing prayer. We thank God that He was able to lead us and prayed that these children will truly come to know the Lord Jesus and serve Him as they grow bigger. We are asking for your prayers even as we serve the Lord preaching the good news to children. May the Almighty bless you as you participate with us to bring the great commission to children God bless you.