Friday, September 2, 2011

Reading    the    Bible
There are many good materials to read, but
ultimately there is no substitute for the Bible
itself. You cannot go wrong by starting in Genesis
and reading on through the Bible. Alternate
methods are also fine. For young children, con-
sider skipping over long lists such as genealogies,
or briefly summarizing them. You may also want
to paraphrase some passages, putting them into
your own words in simple language your child
can understand, instead of reading the text as
written. Your reading will become much more
effective as you add your own comments to the
passages you read. Ask questions to make them
think (this is very important). Tell a little story
that gets a point across. Act out the scenario.
Anything you add along these lines is well worth
the effort.
Whenever your child learns to read, present
him or her with a Bible of his or her own. In
order for our children to learn the Bible and be-
come familiar and comfortable with handling it,
they need to have one! It should be a true Bible
(NKJV), not a pseudo-Bible or children’s story-
book-type volume. It should contain all the same
scriptures a regular Bible has. Thumb tabs are
also very helpful for children to find books faster.
As the child becomes a more proficient
reader, the publications of the Church of the
Eternal God will serve as helpful study aids for
parents, Bible Atlas’s, Bible dictionaries and
other reference materials can be introduced
to the youth. In turn, parents can summarize
important concepts in terms appropriate to their
children’s learning level. 

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