Monday, March 26, 2012

Children Outreach/AWANA Report 24th March 2012

                  Children Outreach/AWANA Report 24th March 2012

                The children’s outreach, "winning children for Christ" meeting on Saturday 24th March 2012 was a success thanks to the Lord who saw us through. The outreach was schedule for 2:00 pm. Donald Aneng one of the Team Directors of the Damas branch was in place by 12:30pm, were he prepared the Bread for Life Guest House.  By 1:45 pm Enyang Martin and Venant Zagache arrived and a short preparatory meeting with prayers was held. At 2:00pm three children arrived and we decided to start our program with them, presenting the New AWANA workbooks to the children we helped them write their names in their respective workbooks. We also noticed that amongst the three children present, one of them called Reunise had skin infection in both her feet. After inquires, we discovered infection has been persisting for six months. Venant, a medical personnel sent a little note to Reunise parents advising them on what to do.  By the time we got the three children write their names in their AWANA workbooks, 11 more children arrived taking the number to 14 children with another helper Linda. We continued with the name writing exercise and took a few pictures.
                      After the names were written we introduced the first volume of the AWANA workbook to the children and the course encouraged the children to work and study the books. We then went outside for fun and games and to get camera shots. By the time we were through with this another group of children arrived, taking the total number to 22. Inquiring about the others, we learned some had gone for holidays, it is Easter break in Cameroonian schools. Some also went to farms to help their parents and others went to attend birthday parties. Nevertheless, we thank God that some children were present. We then took the opportunity to ask about their studies and did a question and answer session on the Bible, with gifts to those who answered correctly. We plan for our next Program with the kids on the 31st March 2012 and asked them what activities they would like to do.  We then shared a little snack with the children and by the end the meeting, the number of children present had gotten to 35.

We noticed that amongst these children, some presented cases of untreated or badly treated sickness we notice tooth problems and untreated conjunctivitis. Added to this we also realized that some of the children went to farms to help their parents just to make ends meet and pay their school fees. Others came in with dirty or torn cloths which are only covered by AWANA T shirts they wear. And yet others had not eaten since morning and the little snacks we gave them could not satisfy them completely. We are therefore praying to the Lord to provide for us and also send our ways partners and donors to support the programs and provide the basic necessities to these children so that they can have normal lives come to  know the Lord and study the Bible with us. If you are called by the Lord to partner with us or to help or support our work in anyway, you can contact Bread For Life International on Behalf of the children’s Outreach/AWANA program
P.O. Box 291307
815 Jefferson St. Suites 200
Kerrville, TX 78029 Or

Contact: Bread For Life International
Cameroon Branch
P.O. box 1296
Immeuble Hajal suite 602

Donald and Venant helping the children write their names in their AWANA workbooks

Closing prayer.
hope the pictures have given a little glimpse of our work

Enyang Martin Leading the  Question answer session with the children.
Sharing some Snacks with the Children

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